Women’s Development

Women; we all know they have a special something. That extra chromosome seems to add a little extra depth, a little extra intuition, a little extra complexity. Female empowerment is not about devaluing men or the family unit. It’s about appreciation and value of the feminine life force.
Women are often taught to undervalue themselves, and overlook their innate abilities, in favor of ‘looking good’. However women know they have far more to offer than a pretty face. In fact presenting a pretty face is not even necessary to be a woman of value and integrity. Not that there’s anything wrong with looking good either. That’s the point, there’s a choice. Be aware of all your powers.
Hermitage Estate Women’s Development treatments involve sharing knowledge. Knowledge that will change the way you think about yourself and your female presence. The result is not an arrogant woman, but a deeply calm, confident one, capable of handling herself in any situation. A woman full of humble self-value, gratitude and acceptance of others. While we can discuss some of the topics with you during a brief stay, we recommend a minimum of 1-2 weeks for this wellness treatment to infuse and start making changes in your life and habits.